By Harvey (email Harvey)

This week we examine when it’s going to be like when the world descends into utter chaos when the big one drops. What are you gonna do when you wake up and the terrible salary you have been working so hard for the last 10 to 20 years becomes obsolete and worthless? You’re probably going to be a little pissed off and who are we to say you shouldn’t be. You might even take the streets and throw a couple bricks through store windows and set some cars on fire. Hey – we wouldn’t blame you either. But if there is any semblance of government left when the world collapses, you can bet that the first thing Big Brother is going to do is call in the troops to contain the angry folk out there like you. So now might be a good time to bone up on the rules of martial law.

governmetn lying, government, japan, radiation, survival
By Harvey Dent (Email Harvey)

I guess you are all wondering where I’ve been for the past few weeks. The rumors swirling around about going to Japan to help the people of the country are totally false. Why would someone like me who has superior survival knowledge and will to live do something like that?


By Reece (email Reece)

Could Azerbaijan Really Shoot Down a Civilian Plane in Karabakh?

Well there goes my Spring Break plans! This is outrageous. It's hard enough traveling these days without TSA fisting a knuckle up your ass looking for box cutters and liquid bombs, but now there's guys on the ground ready to shoot down your plane like some Jack Ryan movie? This is the time of thing that could really give Azerbaijan a bad name. I am seriously considering changing my plans to Daytona Beach after reading this. Sure the whores aren't legal in Daytona, but the rate of the planes being blown out of the sky by surface-to-air missiles has to be lower.
By Reece (email Reece)

Link: Germany has offered to send remote-controlled robots to help clean up and repair damage at Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactors

Is anyone else terrified of this development? Germany and Japan teaming up again like the old days and this time they have nuclear-resistant robot warriors? Look at the mug on that robot. When did Germany start building mini-Voltrons? No good can come of this at all. Well, some good – namely stopping the spread of poisoning radiation among the Japanese. But other than that – no good. No good at all.
singularity, machines taking over, watson, super computer, artificial intelligence
2045: The day the Matrix goes from Sci-Fi to History
By Miike (e-mail Mike)

After waiting in anticipation for months, the world finally had their chance to see Watson in action Monday night. If you’re out of the loop on this one, Watson is the name of the supercomputer designed by IBM which claimed to be able to compete against the 2 greatest Jeopardy champions of all time. Watson’s debut is something I’ve been personally looking forward to as the next step in the computer’s eventual domination of the world as we know it. As I watched Watson rattle off answer after answer, I wondered just how long it will be before our ultimate demise. Lucky for me I don’t have to wonder any more, because a man named Raymond Kurzweil has already figured that out. 2045: The end of human civilization as we know it. Save the Date!

mustache, moustache, secession, moustache building
Moustachia, the land of the Free, only if you have a moustache.
By Harvey Dent (E-mail Harvey)

And so it begins, the start of secession and the break-up of the United States of America. The days of “one” country are starting to dwindle and the times of 50 countries in place of the United States is what the future holds for all of us.

Alien, E.T., extraterrestrial
E.T. phone home with a probe up your ass
By Harvey Dent (email Harvey)

A little while ago I was talking to someone about the movie The 4th Kind, its creepy plot, and the fact that it was based on true events. The discussion generated some brain activity that drove me to do some more research on aliens and learn from the experts.

One key to surviving an “end of the world” scenario is to have allies. If a disastrous event were to take place, the remaining survivors will be looking for food, water, shelter, and survival gear without sparing lives. Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” will take its true form. To increase probability of survival, have allies that you can trust. 2 people are stronger than 1, 4 people are stronger than 2, and so on. If you can identify your core group of survival allies; prepare a “secret hideout” that will have food, water, shelter, and weapons. Be sure to create a group of survivors with diverse skills and knowledge base. A group of 10 accountants won’t really get you too far during survival; however, a group with many diverse skills can increase probability of survival and a ticket to the re-start of human civilization.
Have you discussed this with your core group of friends? Combined, do you have the necessary skills to survive 2012?
Food, water, and shelter are the foundation of any long-term survival plan and if you’ve prepared to have these 3 items when the “end of the world” comes, then you’re ahead of 99% of the population. Everyone knows that these are the 3 most important resources, but in which order? Many believe that water is the most important resource for survival, however for long-term survival, food is the most important. You may be able to survive weeks or even a month without food, but you will become weak, open to illness, and not capable to perform tasks to survive. Be aware of how much food you will need and properly package and store your most important resource for long-term survival.

This concludes Harvey’s Survival Tip of the Week
Putting together a collection of “How To” books is essential for survival. Books on food storage, dental care, first aid, gardening, survival in harsh weather, security, defense, arms, canning, etc. are great resources, BUT if you don’t read them before you need them you will find that you don’t have the right materials that are needed to survive.

This concludes Harvey's Survival Tip of the Week

    Politics, sports, news, science, entertainment, food - all brought to you with salacious humor, sexual innuendos, bold predictions, and profound impact as you coast through your 9 thru 5. Read on, net  pioneer and let us know if you like what you read.

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